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Thank you for your interest in volunteering with UN Women Australia. We are a small team so volunteers are an important to us and can help us in many ways. We appreciate everyone who gives us the gift of their time, expertise and talents, to promote our work with women and girls worldwide and achieve gender equality.
Unfortunately, we do not have any specific volunteer roles available at the moment. Also, please note that most of our volunteering is administration and event based, and as new opportunities become available they will be posted here.
UN Women Australia volunteers make a much-valued contribution to gender equality and the empowerment of women through a variety of roles. Our volunteers are provided with opportunities:
- to participate in the growth of the organisation
- to share and enhance existing skills and knowledge; and gain confidence and experience
- to connect with other individuals with similar interests and passions
UN Women Australia Chapters
UN Women Australia Chapters play an important role in helping advance gender equality and women’s empowerment and raising funds for and awareness of UN Women’s work in the region and around the world. We currently have five Chapters around Australia based in Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth. To register your interest in joining a Chapter, please email [email protected].
Our internship program usually runs from November to March and is available only to students who are able to receive course credit on completion of their internship.
Our interns provide administrative and event support to our team, helping us to grow our supporter base throughout International Women’s Day. Interns gain valuable experience in the non-profit sector, learning skills in events, fundraising and supporter communications. Internship positions are advertised around September each year. You can keep up to date with these announcements and receive other benefits by becoming a member.

UN Women Australia is a proud Member of VolunteeringACT, the peak body for volunteering and community information in the Canberra region.