Terms & Conditions of Fundraising

UN Women Australia appreciates all efforts of individuals, companies and other groups raising funds to support the world’s women and girls. Each year, hundreds of Australians support our work through fundraising on our behalf – thank you for your support.

Terms & Conditions of Fundraising

Please review UN Women Australia’s fundraising terms and conditions below. It is important that they are adhered to, so please take the time to read and understand them before submitting your application. Community fundraisers must also agree to abide by UN Women Australia’s Code of Conduct

As a community fundraiser, you agree to abide by these terms and conditions:

1 The individual/organisation (the “Fundraiser”) must complete the Application Form with detailed information about the activities they propose. If any of the information changes after approval has been granted, an updated proposal must be provided. An application form can be requested via [email protected] or on 02 6185 0010.

2 UN Women Australia reserves the right to assess each application and decline if necessary. It also reserves the right to withdraw its approval for the fundraising activity/event at any time.

3 For fundraising activities to be approved, they must fit within the values of UN Women Australia.

4 No fundraising can commence in any State or Territory until the fundraiser has received a valid “Authority to Fundraise” from UN Women Australia with a unique identification number.

5 The Fundraiser can mention that their event is intended to raise funds for UN Women Australia but cannot suggest that the event is in partnership with UN Women Australia.

6 Fundraisers can only use the name of UN Women Australia to fundraise in relation to the activities that they are authorised to perform.

7 The Fundraiser may not use the UN Women Australia (or UN Women) logo during, or in association with the event, including placing the logo on any promotional material and websites.

8 UN Women Australia has discretion to provide authority to use the ‘in support of UN Women Australia’ logo in association with the event/on promotional materials.

9 UN Women Australia authorises the use of its logo on fundraising sites such as ‘Just Giving’

10 All promotional marketing material that describes the work and role of UN Women Australia (or UN Women) must be approved by UN Women Australia before it is circulated.

11 The decision to act as a fundraiser is solely by the fundraiser’s own best intentions to provide funds for UN Women’s mandate of gender equality and women’s empowerment worldwide.

12 The Fundraising activity/event shall be conducted in the Fundraisers name and is the sole responsibility of the fundraiser. UN Women Australia cannot take a coordination role in any of these activities and its officers cannot assist in soliciting prizes, organising publicity or providing goods or services to assist the fundraiser in the running of the fundraising activity/event.

13 Fundraisers are not agents or employees of UN Women Australia; they undertake all fundraising activities at their own risk. UN Women Australia will not be held responsible for any injury, damage or loss sustained during any fundraising activity. Fundraisers will not be covered by UN Women Australia’s public liability policy under any circumstances. Responsibility for any insurance rests solely with the Fundraiser.

14 The fundraiser must abide by all state and federal legislation and apply for any permits and authorities that may be required. Different states have their own legislation which should be checked beforehand by the fundraiser.

15 Due to privacy legislation, UN Women Australia is unable to directly promote the fundraiser’s events to our supporter database.

Exclusionary Criteria

The suggested activity must be in line with UN Women Australia’s purpose to raise funds for UN Women’s programs to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment worldwide.

The suggested fundraising activity cannot be associated with pornography, beauty pageants, alcohol, weapons manufacturing, or tobacco, and cannot be partisan (e.g. affiliated with a political party).

In the case of private sector fundraisers, the additional exclusionary criteria identified below apply:

a. Human rights (including but not limited to women’s rights abuses), use or toleration of forced or compulsory labour and/or child labour;
b. Discriminatory practices and/or disadvantageous treatment of women;
c. Manufacture, sale or distribution of armaments, weapons or related products, including those banned by UN treaties such as anti-personnel mines, cluster bombs, biological or chemical or nuclear weapons and armaments; replica/toy weapons; military supply and equipment;
d. Manufacture, sale or distribution of tobacco or tobacco products;
e. Manufacture, sale or distribution of alcohol or alcohol products;
f. Pornography/adult entertainment and gambling;
g. Activities or practices that severely harm the environment and/or violate established environmental standards;
h. Other exploitative and/or corrupt practice;
i. Violation of UN sanctions;
j. Activities in support of terrorism;
k. The manufacture of infant formula whose marketing practices violate the International Code for the Marketing of Breast-milk substitutes

Should you have any questions, please contact us on [email protected] or on 02 6185 0010.

Code of Conduct