We are #MorePowerfulTogether

When women’s voices, ideas and points of view – from the workplace to politics, at home or in society as a whole – are excluded, the world loses half its power.

Achieving gender equality will benefit us all, but in order to get there, we must all play our part.

Join us. Sign the petition now to show the world that we must all play a part to achieve equality. Show the world that we are #MorePowerfulTogether.

Sign the Petition

On September 24, skylines of major cities around the world didn’t shine as brightly as iconic buildings switched off half their lights, representing the power lost when the world excludes half its population – women – from society, economies, politics and communities.

More than half a billion women in the world today live in unacceptable conditions of poverty. 1 in 3 women across the globe experience violence. The number of child brides is now estimated at 650 million. Women still earn less than men for the same work even when they have the same abilities and experience and they make up just 23.8% of parliaments across the world.

These statistics are unacceptable.

In March 2019, UN Women NC Australia will be heading to New York to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, to participate in the largest global policy dialogue on gender equality in the world. There, UN Women NC Australia will present to UN Women’s Executive Director, Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, the signatures of everyday Australians calling on all UN member states to prioritise the advancement and protection of the rights of women and girls across the globe.