A global platform for urgent action and accountability for gender equality, the Generation Equality Forum seeks to celebrate the power of women’s rights activism, feminist solidarity and youth leadership to achieve transformative change. The global gatherings – in Mexico City in March, and in Paris in June — present a vital opportunity to chart the way forward and to accelerate the implementation of the gender equality commitments made in Beijing in 1995, and build further momentum for a gender equal world.
On Friday 28 March 2021, UN Women Australia, along with the Governments of Mexico and France, was proud to host the Generation Equality Forum Australia live in Canberra and online.
During the event, the Governments of Mexico and France shared their reflections on what the Forum achieved in Mexico City and their aspirations for the upcoming Paris Forum.
“More than 250 speakers from 85 countries and different stakeholders brought their energy to develop a renewed commitment…to advance the gender equality agenda and put it at the centre of the post-COVID reconstruction efforts,” said Martha Delgado Peralta, Undersecretariat for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mexico. “After the success of the Forum in Mexico, the interest for different stakeholders to be part of this movement has been growing and creates great expectations towards the Forum in France.”

Delphine O, Ambassador, Secretary General of the Generation Equality Forum 2021 France also shared the excitement, “For the first time, states, international organisations, civil society, youth-led organisations, but also private companies and philanthropic foundations are sitting at the same table and working together around six priorities to advance gender equality and women’s rights in the world.”

The Generation Equality Forum Australia focused on the theme of Economic Justice and Rights, one of the six action coalition themes, which also include:
Gender-based violence
Bodily autonomy and sexual and reproductive health and rights
Feminist action for climate justice
Technology and innovation for gender equality
Feminist movements and leadership
As well as the Women, Peace & Security and Humanitarian Action (WPS-HA) Compact.
The Global Acceleration Plan for Gender Equality, which was launched at the Forum in Mexico, offers more detail about the catalytic commitments that form part of each Action Coalition and WPS-HA Compact stream of work.
Julie-Ann Guivarra, Australia’s Ambassador for Gender Equality, outlined Australia’s contributions to the gender equality agenda and highlighted the importance of women’s economic empowerment across our region, especially in light of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our panel of experts, including Sharon Bhagwan Rolls, Member of the Generation Equality Forum Civil Society Advisory Group, Bettina Baldeschi, CEO, IWDA (which is civil society co-lead of the Feminist Movements and Leadership Action Coalition), and Roslyn Dundas, Advocacy Manager, CARE Australia (CARE International is civil society co-lead of the Economic Justice and Rights Action Coalition) explored the role diverse stakeholders can play in contributing to the gender equality agenda and how the invaluable contributions of civil society are delivering transformative change.

“Change is necessary and possible,” said Sharon Bhagwan Rolls. But it requires us all to take action. With global gender equality still 135.6 years away, now is the time to #ActForEqual.
Here are just a few ways you can play your part to accelerate change today:
Register to virtually attend the Generation Equality Forum Paris on 30 June – 2 July. Registrations are open now until 8am Monday 28 June (AEST).
Encourage your organisation to take action as a Commitment Maker in one of the Action Coalition areas of focus. Find out more by reviewing the FAQs here.
Share your commitment to an equal future on social media using #GenerationEquality. Check out these social media resources to inspire you and amplify your message.
Make a tangible difference by giving a charitable gift each month. Become an Empowerment Champion to ensure UN Women can continue its important work, supporting women leaders around the globe.