UN Women Australia releases its latest campaign, “Equality: Our Final Frontier”, highlighting we’ll see humans with a colony on the Moon before there is gender equality on Earth.
UN Women has released a new campaign in Australia, “Equality: Our Final Frontier”, which highlights how humankind is set to reach extraordinary achievements ahead of closing the global gender gap.
The World Economic Forum currently predicts it will take 135.6 years to close the global gender gap, a number that increased due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in halting progress towards gender parity across several economies and industries. Australia currently ranks 50th out of 156 countries, with our strongest efforts in educational attainment overshadowed by lower scores in economic participation and opportunity.
In response, UN Women Australia has released a campaign that was created by The Monkeys, part of Accenture Song, to call on Australians to examine the current timeline for gender equality. The film tells the story of a woman who leaves a protest march in 2022 and walks through a future where incredible technological and scientific feats are achieved, but gender parity still lags. With robotic farms, a trans-Atlantic tunnel and a colony on the Moon all predicted to happen before we reach gender equality, the woman realises that space isn’t our final frontier – gender equality is.
UN Women Australia CEO Simone Clarke said: “In an age where technological advancements have unlocked the answers to some of the biggest challenges of our time, its incomprehensible to me that gender equality ‘might’ exist somewhere in the future. The future for women is now, and we can’t afford to wait any longer. We need to Act Now and make gender equality a reality in OUR lifetime.”
Chief Creative Officer of The Monkeys, Tara Ford adds: “Providing some real world reference points of advancements in technology and humanity shows just how absurd (and horrifying) it is to have gender equality pegged for even further into the future. Unbelievably it’s now predicted equality will not be seen for another four generations. We hope our campaign inspires action, not just contemplation.”
“Equality: Our Final Frontier” is preceded by the campaign “When Will She Be Right?” in early 2021, asking Australians to agitate and accelerate progress on gender equality.
UN Women Australia is calling to change the timeline and ensure that, amidst all this progress for humankind, we are not leaving gender equality behind. Australians are urged to act now at unwomen.org.au.
To view the UN Women Australia campaign film click here.