Violence against women and girls data collection during COVID-19

This brief paper summarises principles and recommendations to those planning to embark on data collection on the impact of COVID-19 on violence against women and girls. It was informed by the needs and challenges identified by colleagues in regional and country offices and has benefited from their input. It responds to the difficulties to adhere to methodological, ethical and safety principles in the context of the physical distancing and staying at home measures imposed in many countries.

This document was developed under the UN Women-WHO Global Joint Program “Strengthening methodologies and measurement and building national capacities for violence against women data”. The paper complements the UN Women’s brief “COVID-19 and violence against women and girls” and WHO’s paper “COVID-19 and violence against women

This brief is part of the EVAW COVID-19 briefs” series.

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Bibliographic information

Subject area(s): COVID-19Ending violence against women and girlsGender statisticsHealth

Resource type: BriefsData/statisticsIssue papers

Series: EVAW COVID-19 briefs

UN Women office involved in publication: UN Women Headquarters

Publication year: 2020

Number of pages: 5

Publishing entities: World Health Organization (WHO)United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women)