The “shell women” of the Pacific coast of Nariño have promoted sustainable harvesting and use of a native mollusk called piangua for many generations. They ...
Women leaders of today are tenacious and diverse. They are mobilizing the global climate movement, pushing for social protections, addressing the COVID-19 crisis, and dismantling ...
Meet some inspiring grass-roots women leaders who are bringing lasting change to their communities, supported by the United Nations The data is clear. Despite women’s increased engagement ...
In September 2020, the United Nations and member states, activists and civil society marked the twenty-fifth anniversary of the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and ...
Kavre, Nepal — In the historical town of Banepa, 35-year-old Sulochana Timalsina runs a little shop, half of which is a grocery store and the other ...
In February 2016, Tropical Cyclone Winston devastated Fiji, showing the heightened vulnerability of people living in the Pacific Islands, where climate change has led to ...
Ludmila Ţurcanu, a local teacher in Pelinia, helped improve the lives of her students and now has her sights set on local leadership, after participating ...
The recipient of the second 2016 UN Women National Committee Australia MBA Scholarship is a former ministerial advisor, who has devoted her career to improving ...